Dear Neighbours,
You may have noticed that a mattress was dumped in Glencairn Lane recently. It remained there for a number of weeks. I do not know who was responsible, it’s possible that someone dropped it off in a van. I am not accusing anyone, but it’s also possible that it came from a flat backing onto Glencairn Lane.
Can I kindly ask everyone not to dump anything in Glencairn Lane. It does not get collected. Collections are not made for unwanted household items/building waste by the council. The council will not collect as Glencairn Lane is private land. The usual collections for green, blue, and grey bins will not collect any other type of dumped items.
Fly tipping is illegal and an eyesore, as well as being extremely inconsiderate to others. Items such as mattresses can and do get set on fire.
I would also urge you to request that any contractor you employ does not dump building waste in the lane, and children tidy up after they have finished playing with what might be considered unwanted items/rubbish.
I have arranged the mattress to be taken away today (Tuesday 10th August) by a private company (Joe Junk) as on two occasions building waste was dumped near it by contractors working off Glencairn Lane. Dumping attracts more dumping so I considered this matter important to be dealt with without further delay. This cost £48 which I have paid in full.
If anyone wanted to help out with this cost I would appreciate it. The more households willing to chip in the better for obvious reasons. If you want to contribute please say so by (public) comment below or by (private) email to On Friday 20th August I will let you know what each share is. I am happy to provide the receipt from ‘Joe Junk’ of £48.
This letter was posted to residents at 12 and 4 Terregles Ave, 3 and 11 Glencairn Lane.
I am sure we all want to live in a pleasant environment and get along with each other with mutual respect, so please take responsibility of you unwanted items and dispose of it correctly.
Kind Regards
[neighbour at] 12 Terregles Ave